Dr. James Andrews developing iPhone app to help injury prevention

Throw Like A Pro

Renown surgery specialist Dr. James Andrews and his physical therapist are now looking to educate. Andrews and his physical therapist, Kevin Wilk are creating an iPhone app, “Throw Like A Pro” to help educate young pitchers and help prevent injuries.

The app, Throw Like a Pro, will be released in the coming weeks. When available, it will feature four main elements, all centered around scientific data and input from Andrews and Wilk.

One section includes recommendations for pitchers from the American Sports Medicine Institute, such as avoiding throwing to the target of a radar gun and instead focusing on throwing with proper mechanics . . . Based on the player’s age, Throw Like a Pro creates specific guidelines with regards to numbers of pitches. The rest calculator outlines appropriate rest prior to resuming pitching.

Also included in the app are numerous ways to help prepare for games, videos, and pitch counter.

The app also includes a preseason preparation guide and pregame warm-up routine, including video instruction of various throwing exercises from Wilk. In addition to recommending specific exercises, Wilk offers tips to avoid common mistakes.

Perhaps one of the most practical sections of the app is the pitch counter and rest calculator. The pitch counter can be used to track how many pitches are thrown during a game and throughout the season.

If this turns out to work, it not only could limit the amount of injuries for baseball pitchers, but it could cost Dr. James Andrews a future patient or two in the future, which I’m sure he doesn’t mind. This is a really good idea, and it’s got me intrigued to see how it will work out.

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Photo credit: (Throw Like A Pro)

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